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Noise Management Plan

Parkerville Tavern Noise Management Plan



This Noise Management Plan (NMP) has been prepared by the Parkerville Tavern in conjunction with Acoustic Consultants Australia with all reasonable skill, care, and diligence, and taking account of the timescale and resources allocated to it. Information reported herein is based on the interpretation of data collected, which has been accepted in good faith as being accurate and valid.

The Parkerville Tavern located at 6 Owen Road is a tavern that has operated a licensed premises and entertainment venue since 1902. Located in a valley and with nearby residents, this Noise Management Plan has been developed to consider the impact of the tavern’s activities on surrounding environment and community.


The Parkerville Tavern makes a significant contribution to the Perth hills economy and community.

It is estimated that the direct contribution to the local economy from the operations at The Parkerville Tavern is in the vicinity of $2 million per annum. There can be no doubt that the Parkerville Tavern also makes a substantial indirect contribution to the economy – first by attracting visitors to Parkerville who then potentially become return visitors with their friends and family, and by promoting Parkerville in a positive manner online and in the media.

The Parkerville Tavern also makes an intrinsic contribution to the social capital of the community, with multiple initiatives engaging the local community and providing support to those in need in the community through measures including, but not limited to, sponsorship, fund raising activities and the pay it forward meal initiative.


This Noise Management Plan (NMP) outlines the policies and procedures to manage noise emissions from the Parkerville Tavern located at 6-18 Owen Road, Parkerville. The NMP has been developed to address concerns of nearby residents and to provide transparency into the venue’s management of noise.


The NMP is applicable for all tavern operations, primarily focusing on live music events held at the venue.


The NMP seeks to balance the expectations of the business owners, live music artists and customers for continued live music at the venue while reducing or eliminating complaints from noise impacted residents.

Music and crowd are the principal sources of noise with potential to exceed noise limits under the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 (the Regulations).

The Parkerville Tavern has a history of live music established well before the Regulations were developed in 1997, and it is recognised by the tavern, the AHA(WA) and the Shire Officers of the Shire of Mundaring that compliance with the Regulations during normal tavern operations and live music events is not always possible. 

To better engage with nearby residents, the NMP references and includes recommendations and process identified by:

The NMP  outlines processes and policies under which the tavern’s operations and live music continue without substantial impact to trade, whilst being mindful of noise impacted residents. The plan seeks to balance:

  • the tavern’s operational needs,
  • providing support to the live music industry and livelihoods of artists,
  • customer demand for continued live music, and
  • impacts on residents

To balance the expectations of the venue, the venue’s customers, and reduce noise impacts, the NMP:

  • Outlines current administrative noise controls
  • Proposes developmental controls to be investigated in the future
  • Provides a complaint management procedure for residents to engage directly with the tavern
  • Details the venue’s commitment to engaging with community
  • Includes a commitment to accept and consider feedback from nearby residents, customers attending the venue, live music artists, industry bodies such as the AHA(WA), as well as state and local government


The purpose of the noise management plan is to:

  • to identify and confirm appropriate noise limits for this historic and culturally significant public venue.
  • establish practical noise management controls with reference to the limits under the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.
  • identify appropriate noise management administrative, operational, structural, and environmental measures to reduce impacts as far as practicable.
  • review and where practicable, adopt recommendations from industry bodies, such as the AHA(WA) as outlined in their publication Dealing with Noise Complaints (2015)
  • review and adopt where practicable, recommendations from the Shire of Mundaring’s Management of Noise from licensed venues
  • to engage with residents on noise impacts and controls.

The approach is to:

  • provide ongoing communication and controls with nearby residents through planned and regular communication,
  • receive and respond to feedback from residents, the Shire of Mundaring, and musicians
  • manage and respond to complaints through a Complaint Management Procedure, and
  • assess control methods using cost benefit analyses.


Noise Management Officer:

Duty Manager or trained staff member appointed by the Parkerville Tavern to be responsible for noise monitoring and management of noise complaints received via phone or in person during live music.

Parkerville Management Team:

The Parkerville Tavern Director, Assistant Venue Manager, Front of House Manager and Admin & Marketing Manager have the authority to respond to noise complaints and meet with Shire staff or residents to discuss noise and other impacts of the tavern on the surrounding community.



The difference in usage between the Venue and the surrounding properties requires that the Venue implements a Noise Management Plan to manage sound emissions from the Venue to the surrounding noise sensitive premises.

The tavern is located at 6-18 Owen Road Parkerville, as identified in the Local Planning Scheme No. 4, zoned as ‘Local Centre’.

This plan is to be read in conjunction with the Parkerville Tavern Noise Management Study (Report 10.00395R-01) prepared by Acoustic Consultants Australia. This information is available on request by contacting


This plan is to be read in conjunction with and in the context of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.


Administrative noise controls are those measures that relate to how the venue and events operate to minimise impacts from noise.


The Parkerville Tavern has a long- history of live outdoor music. The outdoor music season runs October to April, weather permitting, on Friday & Saturday nights, and on Sunday afternoons/evenings.

Friday & Saturday nights are limited to solo and duos, while Sunday afternoon (or Sunday Session) is typically a band in keeping with the tradition of bands playing on a Sunday afternoon since the late 60s. This results in 30 or less band performances in a year.

The key operational controls in place include:

  • Cessation of amplified music by 9pm Friday & Saturday, 7pm Sunday
  • Cessation of streamed music through house speakers outdoors by 9pm Monday to Saturday and 7pm on Sunday
  • Friday and Saturday night live music is played either indoors (in cooler weather) or outdoors adjacent to the veranda and beer garden door of the venue where possible (some duo’s may not fit in the space next to the pizza oven). The aim is to minimise noise spill into Owen Road.
  • All musicians (solo, duo and bands) have been advised that from October 2023, no on-stage monitors (fold backs) will be permitted. We have encouraged the transition to in ear monitors over the course of the 2022/2023 outdoor music season.
  • Drums are not to be amplified through the PA System (microphones may be fitted, but only for the purpose of using through in-ear monitors)
  • Special concert-style events will be limited to 2 per music season (Oct – Apr) and will be managed through Regulation 18 Application (Non-Complying Event)
  • New Years Eve or other potential civil events such as Easter, ANZAC, Australian Day etc. It is informally regarded that such days that no special approvals are required, but there is an expectation that the venue will be reasonable.
Reasonable Volume Test

In-house, without the presence of a calibrated noise meter, a Reasonable Volume Test is employed using the following guidelines:

  • Friday & Saturday Outdoors. Ability to hold a conversation over the music at table 202 (5-6 metres from speakers)
  • Sunday Outdoors. Ability to hold a conversation over the music at 10m from the FOH speakers (between table 204 & 205)

A suitable noise meter and field calibration device will be purchased and used before March 2023. The NMP will be updated to specify calibration and measurement technique and reasonable levels once the devices are onsite.


During Duty Manager induction and training, Duty Managers will be made aware of requirements of this Noise Management Plan and what is required to ensure that The Parkerville Tavern events comply with this Plan.

Where outdoor, amplified music is present, the rostered-on Duty Manager will act as the Noise Management Officer to review noise levels, control volumes, and respond to noise complaints.


Structural noise controls include physical measures that create barriers to noise emissions, to reduce the amount of noise that reaches neighbouring premises.

The Parkerville Tavern is committed to performing cost benefit analyses of various structural noise controls to provide enhanced interim and long-term noise controls.

Controls investigated by JAR Event Productions:

  • Hay bale wall around the back and half sides of stage results in a 28dB reduction below the height of the wall reducing the spill from foldbacks and drums at street level into Owen Road.
  • Acoustic curtains to a height of 3.5m around the back and sides of stage to achieve a reduction of 18dB of spill at street level into Owen Road.
  • Various PA systems, directional speakers, and speaker configurations

These controls have been deemed to be unsuitable as effective, long-term noise controls and more permanent measures are to be investigated as outlined below.


As part of the Parkerville’s Tavern ongoing commitment to improving noise outcomes for impacted premises, cost-benefit analyses for the following developments will be performed:

  • Stage structure design with the input of acoustic consultants to better contain and direct noise into the beer garden and reduce spill into Owen Road.
    Cost benefit analysis timeframe: Oct – Dec 2023. Delivery time frame: Oct – Dec 2024
  • Beer Garden entry structure to reduce noise reflection from the front of the tavern and spilling eastward along Owen Road.
    Cost benefit analysis timeframe: Oct – Dec 2023. Delivery time frame: Oct – Dec 2024

Following the completion of each cost-benefit analysis a decision will be made on the financial feasibility of implementing the development and the Noise Management Plan updated with findings.



To provide ongoing communication with nearby residents, a 2-monthly letter drop (October – April) will include:

  • Details for upcoming events.
  • Mobile phone number for Duty Manager so that residents may call at any time to discuss music, events or lodge a complaint (see complaint management procedure).
  • A standing invite to make an appointment with member(s) of the Parkerville Management Team to discuss noise or any other community impacts.
  • Updates to Administrative or Structural Noise controls with a request for feedback.

A copy of each letter will be provided to the Shire of Mundaring so they can forward to any resident who may not have received a letter and who may have a concern regarding noise emissions.

Notification letters are provided for residents living within the area bounded by:

  • Byfield Rd from Riley Rd to Roland Rd
  • Roland Rd from Byfield Rd to Richardson Rd East
  • Richardson Rd East from Roland Rd to Gliddon Rd
  • Buttercup Rd from Richardson Rd East to Duncombe Dr
  • Duncombe Dr from Buttercup Rd to Richardson Rd East
  • Skinner Gr
  • Brooking Rd from Richardson Rd East to end of cul-de-sac
  • Gliddon Rd
  • Falls Rd from Gliddon Rd to Owen Rd
  • Owen Rd from Falls Rd to Byfield Rd
  • Brooking Rd from Owen Rd to Carawatha Rd
  • Riley Rd from Brooking Rd to Byfield Rd
  • Carawatha Rd
  • Windoo Rd
  • Dura Rd

This area represents approximately 170 residencies.

Map showing letter drop coverage of nearby residents

Map showing letter drop coverage for nearby residents.

The area selected has been determined based on location of historic noise complainants to the Shire of Mundaring. We will continue to receive feedback from residents and the Shire to review the coverage for letter drops.


In the correspondence to nearby residents, they are encouraged to, in the first instance, report any complaints directly to The Parkerville Tavern by calling the Duty Manager on 0499 370 764.

On receipt of a complaint via phone or in person, the complaint is recorded by the Duty Manager (Noise Management Officer) or a member of the Parkerville Tavern Management Team using the Noise Complaint Form and the Reasonable Volume Test will be employed.

Complaints received via email may not be reviewed and responded to immediately as emails are typically not monitored outside normal business hours (9am – 5pm Monday to Friday).

Where the volume is found to be above the guidelines used for the Reasonable Volume Test, the artist(s) will be instructed to reduce the volume immediately, so the guidelines are met.

Where the volume is found to meet the guidelines of the Reasonable Volume Test, the artist will be advised of the complaint and asked to review the volume paying particular attention to elements that are known the travel further (bass and drum components).

Outcomes from the noise complaint will be recorded on the Noise Complaint Form by the Noise Management Officer.

The complaint will be logged in the Noise Complaint Register and reviewed within 2 business days by a member of the Parkerville Tavern Management Team to check for commonalities with previous complaints as particular bands, styles of music and prevailing weather conditions.

Where common elements are found from complaints in the same music season, operational changes will be trialled to reduce the likelihood of similar complaints being received in the future. For example, this may be that certain bands are not re-booked without changes to their PA set up, or that during certain prevailing weather conditions, the volume is further reduced.

Where a complainant provides an email address, a formal response will be sent from a member of the Parkerville Tavern Management Team.



Copies of:

  • Noise Management Plan
  • Nearby Resident Letters
  • Completed Noise Complaint Forms
  • Emailed Complaints
  • Noise Complaints Register
  • Formal Responses to Complaints

Will be retained for a minimum of 3 years.

At the end of each season, a copy of the complaints registers and responses will be forwarded the Shire of Mundaring. Access to current season records will be made to the Shire of Mundaring upon request.


The Noise Management Plan (this document) is to be reviewed annually.

More frequent reviews will be triggered for example, following the completion of a cost benefit analysis for structural developments, in the event of non-compliance, feedback from impacted residents, or as reasonably required in writing by the Shire of Mundaring in the event of ongoing complaints.

Next Review: September 2023




(including Day)


Band or Artist

Wind Speed & Direction


In Person

Duty Manager

Sunday 27 Nov 2022



NW 32km/hr

Carawatha Rd


T’Anne Mills